Coterie Diaper Size Chart

Coterie Diaper Size Chart: Your Diaper Fit Solution

Every parent knows the little wins that make their day: a perfectly snug diaper that feels just like a comforting hug around your baby’s tiny waist. They have our backs here, with their intuitive Coterie Diaper Size Chart. Let’s chat about why this chart feels more like a caring friend than just another product guide.

Why Size Matters?

Imagine wearing shoes a size too small or a hat that keeps slipping off. Uncomfortable, right? That’s what a misfit diaper feels like to your baby. Coterie gets this. Their size chart isn’t about numbers and metrics, but about making your baby feel like they’re in a cozy cocoon.

A Bit About Coterie Diapers

Beyond the softness and snug fit, Coterie diapers come with a promise – a promise of gentle protection. They are like that favorite cotton blanket, gentle on your baby’s skin, and super absorbent, making those nighttime changes a bit less of a chore.

Why Trust the Coterie Diaper Size Chart?

Imagine a close friend giving you advice on which size to pick. That’s the Coterie Diaper Size Chart for you. It’s more than just a reference; it’s guidance. Because every baby is unique, and sometimes, it’s more about that adorable chubby thigh than just age or weight!

Navigating the Coterie Diaper Size Guide

It’s a breeze! Find your baby’s weight, factor in those delightful rolls and growth spurts, and voila! From newborns to those curious toddlers, Coterie has a size for every cute bum. Remember to pop back occasionally, as babies have a knack for growing when we blink.

See also  Honest Diaper Size Chart: Finding the Perfect Fit

Coterie Diaper Size Chart

Size Weight ranges (lbs) Diapers per delivery Changes per day
N < 10 186 ~7
N/1 < 10 192 ~7
1 8 – 12 198 ~7
2 10 – 16 186 ~6
3 14 – 24 168 ~6
4 20 – 32 150 ~5
5 27+ 132 ~5
6 35+ 108 ~4
Size Equivalent to Weight ranges (lbs) Pants per delivery
3 12 – 14m 14 – 24 156
4 2T – 3T 20 – 32 138
5 3T – 4T 27 – 38 112
6 4T – 5T 33 – 62 92


Choosing the right diaper size is like wrapping your baby in a warm, gentle hug. Coterie’s chart? Think of it as wisdom passed down from a family of parents who’ve been there. With Coterie, you’re not just picking a diaper; you’re embracing moments of joy and comfort. So, turn to their chart and let your baby feel the love in every little hug-like fit.

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